About us
Welcome to our travel blog! For us, every trip starts with a dream. Our blog, “Someday far away”, is about our travel dreams that became true.
We are Inga and Adriano, a European couple in our 30s. We explore Europe during long weekends, and head for remote, little-visited and sometimes very challenging-to-reach destinations during longer holidays. We have full-time jobs, but after the office doors have closed, we go travelling as much as we can. I am Lithuanian, and Adriano is Italian; I lived in Rome and in 2019 moved to London.
We want to share our travel stories with our friends and families, talk to fellow travellers and inspire other dreamers. It is a pleasure for us to remember and talk about our trips; hopefully, we can share some interesting stories and provide useful information.
Jump into destinations to read about our adventures. And if you are still interested in finding out more about us, take a cup of tea, get comfortable and let me introduce ourselves more in detail.
Inga (me)
I am Lithuanian, born and raised in Vilnius in Lithuania. I currently reside in London.
When I was a kid, I did not travel much. Lithuania was occupied by the Soviet Union, and we did not have that freedom. Things started to change when I was seven. It was a time when all walls collapsed, and in the same year, my family went for my first trip abroad to Berlin in Germany to visit my uncle not seen through the walls for 25 years.
Several short trips in Europe followed, but I actively engaged in travelling only in my late twenties.
I have a full-time job in the sales and marketing field. Travelling and writing this blog are my hobbies. At first, I travelled a lot in Europe. Later I followed my desire to live in Italy. During one of my countless visits there, I met Adriano, my partner in crime (sorry, in travels). He, already a professional world traveller, helped me to expand my playground.
Some facts about me
– In very wild or undeveloped zones my biggest challenge is a cold shower.
– I’m a master at backpacking. I can travel for a month with a 7 kg backpack and still include some of your stuff. Our latest adventure proved that I can do even six months with a carry-on backpack.
– My interests during the trips – nature, animals, culture, architecture, food, people.
– I love dogs. Here is our third family member, Bella, my little Westie terrier. When people tell me that it is easy for me to travel because I have no kids, I think it is equally heartbreaking to leave my little one.
– Having a home to come back to is essential for me. I see many travel bloggers who claim to hate working an 8-5 desk job, get rid of everything and go vagabonding around the world for years. I admire their passion – I love reading their blogs – but for me it is a bit different. I prefer to have a stable home, and even office work is not too bad when there is an inspiring holiday plan ahead.
If I did not have to work for a living, I would definitely travel more and would indulge myself by studying new languages. I would like to speak many languages. It is a fun process to study them, but it’s also so rewarding and opens many doors. Languages and the ability to communicate with local people helps to understand other cultures on an entirely different level.
– My TOP favourite trips so far were to Madagascar, Kenya, Pakistan, Cuba.
Places I have lived in: Lithuania (Vilnius), Latvia (Riga), a short period in the UK (Brighton), Italy (Rome). I used to travel to Hungary (Budapest) and Estonia (Tallinn) so much that I feel like I have lived there a little bit too. In 2019 I moved to the UK (London).
Now here comes Adriano.
Adriano is my fiancée: Roman at heart, cosmopolitan by his passport(s). He works full-time as a programmer, and when I asked what I could write about him, he just shouted, “Just say that I am not any sort of computer nerd.”
He kindly asked me to be a “special guest” on this blog, though he is a travel agent and the overall superhero behind our routes. If I am a romantic dreamer, Adriano is the practical “logistics” manager of our travels. I browse pictures; he browses maps, airport schedules and ever-boring (my personal opinion) Lonely Planet practical advice pages. He does the hard work to get us to the middle of Madagascar, while I am weeping about missing hot showers for a week (sorry, love). I hope to collect and write down a lot of his practical savvy how-to advice, and maybe some of his older stories from his first extended backpack tours before meeting me.
Adriano likes to plan everything himself, win against the world and reach the places nobody has gone to, and nobody has said how to. His passion or I might call it an obsession, is the islands of Oceania. Whatever has been written about this part of the world, he has read it all and could draw a map of every island with his eyes closed. Stay with us – some new posts are coming from our 2018 World/Pacific tour.
Places Adriano has lived in – the UK (Brighton, London), Italy (Rome), Argentina (Buenos Aires), New Zealand (a little bit of everywhere), Finland (Helsinki), Russia (Karelia), and several short periods in France (Paris, Marseille).
We do not travel to make statistics, but just for the purpose of introduction:
• Countries visited together – 46 (2015-2019),
• Countries visited combined – 91 (before 2019).
Our priorities for travels
• An interesting combination of culture/nature/food/history/architecture. At least some of these elements together in the same place.
• Something new, never seen before.
• Less touristic, less commercial places.
• Challenging and remote travel destinations.
Our values
• Be simple, sincere and honest. There is no religious, cultural or any other barrier when you are kind and respectful to people.
• “Blank page” rule – accept things as they are, with no judgment, and no pre-suppositions.
• “When in Rome, do like Romans do” – we try to immerse ourselves in local life, go to local places, use local transport, eat local food, dress like locals.
• An adventurous attitude. Try to recognize the magic of each trip, of each place.
• Be safe and do not do stupid things – if there is a malaria risk, we get preventative pills; if it is said not to be safe to go out in the evening, we stay in a hotel while it is dark and don’t go looking for trouble. We carefully check for the most updated, detailed and statistically proven information on which areas are safe or unsafe to visit.
Languages you can speak to us in
Mother tongues: Italian, Lithuanian.
Fluent level: English, Spanish.
Intermediate level: French, Russian.
Minimum basics: Chinese (Mandarin), Indonesian, Finnish, Latvian, German.
Just in case you were wondering, we communicate in Italian between ourselves. For the blog, I chose English just because it is the most common language among our international friends and most popular among travellers.
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